Research and publications

Comparative Analysis of Hedge Fund Returns

Hedge funds have an absolute return performance objective stated independently of the global market conditions. Nevertheless they have been compared to classical bond and equity indices by academics since the late 90s. Independently of their absolute or relative performance it is of particular importance to determine if some hedge funds consistently outperform their peers. This is exactly the objective of this study: Do some hedge funds consistently and significantly outperform others? Do some individual funds or some strategies continuously create alpha in comparison to others?


Daniel Capocci


Hedge funds have an absolute return performance objective stated independently of the global market conditions. Nevertheless they have been compared to classical bond and equity indices by academics since the late 90s. Independently of their absolute or relative performance it is of particular importance to determine if some hedge funds consistently outperform their peers. This is exactly the objective of this study: Do some hedge funds consistently and significantly outperform others? Do some individual funds or some strategies continuously create alpha in comparison to others?

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Type : Working paper
Date : 01/01/2006
Keywords :

Alternative Investments