Research and publications

Frictional Diversification Costs: Evidence from a Panel of Fund of Hedge Fund Holdings

Using FoFs’ holdings data, the authors analyse the diversification choices of fund of hedge fund managers. Diversification is not a free lunch. It is not available for every fund of fund. Instead they find a positive log-linear relation between the number of constituent funds in a fund of hedge fund (n) and the respective assets under management (aum). More precisely it takes the form: n2 ∝ AuM. This relation is consistent with the predictions from a model of naive diversification (1/n) with frictional diversification costs such as due diligence costs.


Juha Joenväärä, Bernd Scherer


Using FoFs’ holdings data, the authors analyse the diversification choices of fund of hedge fund managers. Diversification is not a free lunch. It is not available for every fund of fund. Instead they find a positive log-linear relation between the number of constituent funds in a fund of hedge fund (n) and the respective assets under management (aum). More precisely it takes the form: n2 ∝ AuM. This relation is consistent with the predictions from a model of naive diversification (1/n) with frictional diversification costs such as due diligence costs.

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Type : Working paper
Date : 01/04/2016
Keywords :

Alternative Investments