Research and publications

The Impact of Solvency II on Bond Management

Solvency II, which could come into effect in 2016, will have a significant impact on the way insurance companies, as well as financial markets, perceive risk. One of the major changes with Solvency II is the treatment of market risks, which represent an additional capital cost that now needs to be incorporated into the analysis of insurers’ investment choices. This study analyses the impact of the new prudential regulation on bond management. It considers the appropriateness of the bond Solvency Capital Requirement (SCR) as a risk measure, the effects of this risk measure on bond management within a return-volatility-Value-at-Risk-SCR universe, and whether Solvency II will give rise to a new bond hierarchy and arbitrage opportunities.


Liliana Arias, Philippe Foulquier, Alexandre Le Maistre


Solvency II, which could come into effect in 2016, will have a significant impact on the way insurance companies, as well as financial markets, perceive risk. One of the major changes with Solvency II is the treatment of market risks, which represent an additional capital cost that now needs to be incorporated into the analysis of insurers’ investment choices. This study analyses the impact of the new prudential regulation on bond management. It considers the appropriateness of the bond Solvency Capital Requirement (SCR) as a risk measure, the effects of this risk measure on bond management within a return-volatility-Value-at-Risk-SCR universe, and whether Solvency II will give rise to a new bond hierarchy and arbitrage opportunities.

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Type : EDHEC Publication
Date : 16/07/2012
Keywords :

Institutional Investment