Research and publications

A Review of the Differences between Traditional Investment Programs and Absolute-Return Strategies

Given the ongoing stock market downdraft since March 2000, U.S. mutual fund inflows have dramatically slowed down while hedge fund investing has exploded. Some have argued that there is an accelerating convergence between the hedge fund industry and traditional institutional fund management. This article will argue the opposite: that in a very fundamental way, these two investment industries are still quite distinct. A revisited version of this paper was published in Quantitative Finance (2003) 3:3 pp. C42-C48.


Hilary Till and Joseph Eagleeye


Given the ongoing stock market downdraft since March 2000, U.S. mutual fund inflows have dramatically slowed down while hedge fund investing has exploded. Some have argued that there is an accelerating convergence between the hedge fund industry and traditional institutional fund management. This article will argue the opposite: that in a very fundamental way, these two investment industries are still quite distinct. A revisited version of this paper was published in Quantitative Finance (2003) 3:3 pp. C42-C48.

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Type : Working paper
Date : 07/02/2006
Keywords :

Alternative Investments