Research and publications

Transaction Cost Analysis A-Z: A Step towards Best Execution in the Post-MiFID Landscape

This publication covers a broad range of material related to TCA and best execution. As understanding transaction costs is crucial to properly assessing the quality of implementation decisions and complying with the best execution obligation in the post-MiFID environment, it provides a state of the art of TCA fundamentals, undertakes a critical review of existing post-trade TCA techniques, and defines a new and complete approach.


Catherine D'Hondt, Jean-René Giraud


This publication covers a broad range of material related to TCA and best execution. As understanding transaction costs is crucial to properly assessing the quality of implementation decisions and complying with the best execution obligation in the post-MiFID environment, it provides a state of the art of TCA fundamentals, undertakes a critical review of existing post-trade TCA techniques, and defines a new and complete approach.

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Type : EDHEC Publication
Date : 15/11/2008
Keywords :

Transaction Cost Analysis