Research and publications

Transparency and Accountability

This paper is part of a broader project examining the rules of political disclosure and their consequences. It presents new measures of disclosure by MPs in 126 countries, and examines their determinants as well as consequences for corruption. The measures distinguished between disclosure by law and in practice, between public and non-public disclosure, as well as between more and less comprehensive disclosure. These distinctions motivated the creation of several indices of disclosure in sample countries.


Simeon Djankov, Rafael La Porta, Florencio Lopez-de-Silanes, Andrei Shleifer


This paper is part of a broader project examining the rules of political disclosure and their consequences. It presents new measures of disclosure by MPs in 126 countries, and examines their determinants as well as consequences for corruption. The measures distinguished between disclosure by law and in practice, between public and non-public disclosure, as well as between more and less comprehensive disclosure. These distinctions motivated the creation of several indices of disclosure in sample countries.

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Type : Working paper
Date : 05/05/2008
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