Research and publications

Giants at the Gate: On the Cross-Section of Private Equity Investment Returns

This paper examines the determinants of private equity returns using a newly constructed worldwide database of 7,500 investments made over forty years. The median investment IRR (PME) is 21% (1.3), gross of fees. One in ten investments goes bankrupt, whereas one in four has an IRR above 50%. Only one in eight investments is held for less than two years, but such investments have the highest returns. The scale of private equity firms is a significant driver of returns: investments held at times of a high number of simultaneous investments underperform substantially.


Florencio Lopez-de-Silanes, Ludovic Phalippou, Oliver Gottschalg


This paper examines the determinants of private equity returns using a newly constructed worldwide database of 7,500 investments made over forty years. The median investment IRR (PME) is 21% (1.3), gross of fees. One in ten investments goes bankrupt, whereas one in four has an IRR above 50%. Only one in eight investments is held for less than two years, but such investments have the highest returns. The scale of private equity firms is a significant driver of returns: investments held at times of a high number of simultaneous investments underperform substantially.

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Type : Working paper
Date : 18/01/2011
Keywords :

Private Equity